 Customer Quotes: "Whew, There's a lot to say here"
Answer:   This is an email someone sent to their group:
The Focused Growth program is proving to be well worth the cost and effort. This is my first venture in this sort of lead program and I am now ready to present my preliminary report.

After listening to some of the recorded lessons and watching the short "movies", I was ready to pick up the phone and start dialing. Initially I was a bit overwhelmed, but as I got into the swing of things I became more relaxed.

Learning how to use the system was easy. I soon learned how to navigate the files, makes notes, and keep them organized into easy-to-find files. I printed out some, but that isn't really necessary. I simply wanted to organize them into time zones and then into 'morning', 'afternoon', and 'evening' files. It made things much easier for me. Most people won't want to do that, but I did.

When I got everything set, I picked up the phone and started calling. As of this afternoon, I have worked more half of the 75+ TVOs I received. Telephone Verified leads are wonderful! Of the 40 or so I've called, only one was a bad number, and only one was a hang-up. I have five very hot leads (just from the first 40)! These folks were very sincerely interested in finding a suitable home-based business. They wanted the information I had, and were eager to check it out. I have five appointments for follow-up. Most of the rest of them were polite but either no longer interested, had already found something but might look at my web site anyway, or were not home when I called. I sent an information email to many of them. I sent out over 20 information emails, and only three came back as undeliverable.

I learned quickly that these people are expecting a call from somebody about a business. No one was rude, or expressed annoyance at the call. I didn't die (which I was sure would happen if I picked up the phone and dialed a number.) These people are waiting for someone to call them, so why not me? I learned to listen and quickly get to my reason for calling, which was to 'ask permission to share information about my company, EYI, to see if it was a match'. They seemed to appreciate my approach, and it appears to be working, as I have people looking at my web site and paying attention to my business opportunity. Follow-up reporting will come later, as I have only been working these leads for two days.

The bottom line here is that I am very impressed with this program. Since I have only worked half of the TVO leads, I am excited to think about what will happen when I finish the list. I am exhausted, but very excited about what lies ahead. It can only be good."